Wie lange lässt man Kaffee in der French Press ziehen? 


A French press is a popular and simple method to brew a delicious cup of coffee. One crucial aspect of using this brewing method is knowing how long to let the coffee steep before pressing the plunger. The duration of steeping can greatly affect the taste and strength of the coffee. In this guide, we will explore the optimal steeping time for a French press and provide useful tips, frequently asked questions, and a glossary to help you make the perfect cup of coffee every time.

Kaffee Bestseller & Angebote

AngebotBestseller Nr. 3
Jacobs Filterkaffee Auslese Klassisch, 500 g gemahlener Kaffee
Jacobs Filterkaffee Auslese Klassisch, 500 g gemahlener Kaffee
Aromatische Komposition ausgewählter Kaffeebohnen; Besonders schonendes Röstverfahren; Filterkaffee, Intensität 3 von 5 Bohnen
5,34 EUR Amazon Prime
Bestseller Nr. 4
by Amazon Kaffee Classic 100% Arabica, Gemahlener Röstkaffee, Mittlere Röstung, 500g (1er-Pack)
by Amazon Kaffee Classic 100% Arabica, Gemahlener Röstkaffee, Mittlere Röstung, 500g (1er-Pack)
Gemahlener Röstkaffee, vakuumverpackt; Weich und abgerundet, mit frischer Säure; 500g; Stärke: 3/5
5,27 EUR Amazon Prime
AngebotBestseller Nr. 6
Joerges FF01GOSB Espresso Gorilla Super Bar Crema, 1 kg (1er Pack)
Joerges FF01GOSB Espresso Gorilla Super Bar Crema, 1 kg (1er Pack)
Geschmackvolle Kaffeemischung aus 80% Arabicabohnen und 20% Robustabohnen; Perfekt für alle italienischen Kaffeezubereitungen
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1. The 4-Minute Method
To achieve a well-balanced and flavorful cup of coffee, many coffee enthusiasts recommend steeping the coffee in a French press for about four minutes. This duration allows for good extraction of the coffee grounds‘ flavor compounds, resulting in a rich and aromatic brew.

2. Adjust Based on Coffee Grind Size
The coarseness of your coffee grounds will also impact the optimal steeping time. Finer grounds extract faster, while coarser grounds require a longer steeping time. If you prefer a stronger cup of coffee, consider extending the steeping time by a minute or two. Alternatively, if you enjoy a milder flavor, reduce the steeping time slightly.

3. Experiment and Taste
Ultimately, the perfect steeping time is subjective and varies based on personal preference. It’s essential to experiment with different steeping times to find what suits your taste buds best. Start with the recommended four-minute steeping time and adjust accordingly until you achieve the desired flavor profile. Remember to take notes along the way to keep track of your preferences.


1. Use Freshly Ground Coffee: Grinding your beans just before brewing guarantees the freshest and most flavorful cup of coffee.
2. Preheat the French Press: Pour hot water into the French press to warm it up before adding the coffee grounds.
3. Measure Precisely: Use the recommended coffee-to-water ratio for the best results. Typically, a ratio of 1:15 (coffee to water) is a good starting point.
4. Blooming Step: After adding the hot water, allow the coffee to bloom for 30-45 seconds. This helps release any trapped gases and enhances the coffee’s flavor.
5. Stir Gently: Give the coffee and water mixture a gentle stir to ensure all the grounds are evenly saturated.
6. Cover with a Lid: Place the lid on the French press but do not depress the plunger. This will help maintain the water temperature during the steeping process.
7. Press Slowly and Steadily: Press the plunger slowly to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds. Avoid using excessive force, as it may lead to over-extraction.
8. Serve Immediately: Transfer the brewed coffee to a separate vessel to prevent over-extraction and enjoy it promptly.


Q: What happens if I steep coffee for too long?
A: If the coffee is left to steep for too long, it can become bitter and over-extracted, resulting in an unpleasant taste.

Q: Can I steep coffee for less than four minutes?
A: Yes, you can experiment with shorter steeping times, especially if you prefer a milder brew. Adjust the steeping time according to your taste preferences.

Q: Does the type of coffee impact the steeping time?
A: The type of coffee can affect the steeping time. Darker roasted coffees may require shorter steeping times, while lighter roasted coffees may need longer steeping times to extract their flavors fully.


1. French Press: A coffee brewing device with a plunger used to separate brewed coffee from the grounds.
2. Steeping Time: The duration during which coffee grounds and hot water are in contact to extract flavor.
3. Coarse: Refers to a grind size that is larger and chunkier, resulting in a slower extraction process.
4. Extraction: The process of dissolving coffee’s flavor compounds into water.
5. Blooming: The initial step of pouring a small amount of water onto coffee grounds to release gases and enhance flavors.
6. Ratio: The proportion of coffee to water used for brewing.
7. Over-Extraction: When coffee is brewed for too long or using too hot water, resulting in a bitter and unpleasant taste.
8. Plunger: The part of the French press used to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee.
9. Freshly Ground: Coffee beans that have been recently ground, ensuring optimal flavor and aroma.
10. Aromatic: Refers to the pleasant and distinct fragrance of coffee.

With these tips, frequently asked questions, and a glossary in mind, you are now equipped to make the perfect cup of coffee in a French press. Remember to adjust the steeping time based on your preference, experiment with different variables, and savor the delightful flavors of freshly brewed coffee. Happy brewing!

Kaffeevollautomaten Bestseller

AngebotBestseller Nr. 4
Philips Serie 5400 Kaffeevollautomat – LatteGo Milchsystem, 12 Kaffeespezialitäten, Intuitives Display, 4 Benutzerprofile, Schwarz (EP5441/50)
Philips Serie 5400 Kaffeevollautomat – LatteGo Milchsystem, 12 Kaffeespezialitäten, Intuitives Display, 4 Benutzerprofile, Schwarz (EP5441/50)
Fassungsvermögen des Wasserbehälters: 1.8 L; Fassungsvermögen für Kaffeebohnen: 275 g
589,00 EUR Amazon Prime
Bei welchen Antibiotika kein Kaffee?

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Manuela ist eine renommierte Genussexpertin, die sich auf alles rund um das Thema Kaffee spezialisiert hat. Mit über einem Jahrzehnt Erfahrung in der Kaffeebranche hat sie sich umfassendes Wissen über Kaffeebohnen, deren Herkunft und die Kunst der Kaffeezubereitung angeeignet. Sie ist bekannt für ihre Expertise in der Bedienung und Bewertung verschiedener Kaffeemaschinen und hat mehrere führende Hersteller bei der Entwicklung neuer Modelle beraten. Manuela hält regelmäßig Workshops und Schulungen für Baristas und Kaffeeliebhaber, wo sie ihr Wissen über Brühmethoden, Mahlgrade und die Feinheiten der Kaffeeextraktion teilt. Ihre Artikel und Rezensionen zu den neuesten Trends in der Kaffeewelt werden in bekannten Gastronomiezeitschriften und auf verschiedenen Fachblogs hoch geschätzt. Durch ihre leidenschaftliche und detailreiche Präsentation hat Manuela eine treue Leserschaft gewonnen, die sich auf ihre Empfehlungen für Kaffeesorten und Zubereitungstechniken verlässt. Sie ist auch eine gefragte Rednerin auf internationalen Kaffeemessen, wo sie über die Zukunft des Kaffeekonsums und nachhaltige Praktiken in der Branche spricht. In ihrer Freizeit betreibt Manuela einen beliebten Instagram-Account, auf dem sie ihre Entdeckungen und kreativen Kaffeekreationen mit einer wachsenden Gemeinschaft von Kaffeeenthusiasten teilt.